Most times, when people get something in their eyes, they can remove it without a visit to the doctor. Similarly, many eye ailments go away on their own, without one needing to seek immediate medical intervention. However, it’s important not to do anything that can affect how the eyes heal. With that in mind, we’ve detailed what ophthalmologists recommend people do when they have problems with their eyes.
A Black Eye
A black eye refers to when there is bruising of the tissue and skin around the eye. If the injury has only caused bruising, doctors recommend taking care of it at home by applying a cold compress to the affected area. However, if the bruising is accompanied by fever, change in vision, severe pain, fluid or pus draining out the eyes, limited eye movement, or bleeding from the eyes, one should seek medical attention at the earliest.
Particles in The Eye
If one finds a loose eyelash or dust particle in the eye, here’s what should be done:
– Wash hands before touching the eyes.
– Look closely in the mirror and try to locate the particle.
– To remove the object, blink a few times to allow the tears to naturally wash it out. If that doesn’t work, fill a cup with some lukewarm water. Then, rinse the eyes with the water to flush the particle out.
If one is experiencing persistent discomfort or if the object embedded in the eye is a glass or plastic fragment, it’s best to cover the eye with a wet washcloth and visit the nearest eye doctor.
Chemical in The Eye
Chemical burns can cause significant damage to the eyes. Here’s what one should do:
– Flush the eyes with water – do this for anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes.
– Then, visit a hospital to have a trained professional take a look at the eye.
Getting Sand in The Eye
Undoubtedly, getting sand in the eye can be uncomfortable. However, in most cases, the eyes will be able to flush the sand particles out naturally. In the meanwhile, avoid rubbing the eyes. Affected individuals can also irrigate the eyes from time to time to flush the particles out. Visit an ophthalmologist in case of discomfort.